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  7 February 2011 

Opal Article Delivery

Google Business Page

 ( Published Article extracts )

"Google Tools for Local Business" 

By: Tony McGuire 

Does YOUR business need a helping hand with LOCAL searches?                

Google Local logo          Yahoo logo          Bing logo

helping hand image

Google rules the search world and is likely to do so for 2012 and beyond.
They provide free services and almost certainly will remain that way.

Google relies on Adwords and advertising to generate most of their revenue.

Although they keep changing and adding to their tools empire, the 2 most important tools for small businesses remain Analytics on web sites and the Places Page.

Google have created 50 million Places Pages world wide.

The Places Page is fairly new, is predominantly for a Local Search, definitely under used and often remains unclaimed! ( mostly because it has not been broadcast )

The place to find your Google Places Page:

This should open a Google Maps window and there will be a line:

Put your business on Google Maps

Type your business name to see if Google have already created YOUR page.

If there is an entry, you need to claim it, if there is not an entry, you can create one.

The Best Bit!          It’s FREE!           and it improves your ranking

You need a Google Account to "owner verify" a Places Page or register if your page has not been created already.

When you click the submit button you are taken to another screen with the option of a phone call or postcard to receive your PIN for verification.

The phone call to the number on the listing is almost instantaneous.

The postcard can take 1 to 2 weeks to arrive.

When you have entered your PIN and claimed your page, you can then edit and add to the content that Google have provided.

To dominate the local position there are a number of other activities that need to be performed, such as reviews, citations, pictures and videos.

The positioning is also enhanced by creating a listing on Yahoo and Bing.

This is a huge topic and can be as important, if not more, that owning a web site.

The technology is developing rapidly and LOCAL IS COMING!

A Tutorial for Local / Mobile Searches is available for Platinum Inner Circle Members.

A step by step guide is now available. 

Go to Places Page Button

Click Here for Deatils

Click Here to Buy it Now 
  I run Opal because I want to add value to the business world, make a difference to my clients’ lives, solve problems and leave a worthwhile legacy.

The Opal portfolio of web sites are designed and developed to provide information, reviews and assistance on a wide range of practical business products and topics.
Written by Tony McGuire
Opal Consulting Limited