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Setting Up Places Pages

Special Step by Step Guide

 Places Pages Cover

Follow the steps in the Guide to dominate Local searches and attract more customers.

Your Customers are Going Mobile! - Are YOU!

Includes regular updates in a rapidly changing environment!


June 2013 Update:

Maps has been given a major overhaul. More changes are coming!

Google Places Migrated to Google+ on 30 May 2012.

The changes made to Google Places have had a significant impact on the way that the Pages are now displayed.
The look and feel is now totally different!

The contents of the Guide include the following Sections:


About the Author


1. Steps 1 to 17  Google

2. Steps 18 to 20  Yahoo

3. Steps 21 to 23  Bing

4. What now?

5. The Next Steps

6. Additional Material

This Step by Step Guide is designed to take you through the preliminary stages of the process and start you on the path towards being Mobile and Local ready.

Each Guide comes with a 12 month update program, as the situations are constantly being modified and upgraded in a rapidly changing environment.

Google rules the search world and is likely to do so for 2011 and beyond.
They provide some free services and will almost certainly remain that way.

Yahoo and Bing also provide additional coverage and ranking capabilities.

 "Your Success is Our Business"

Note: there is always the option to join one of the Opal Inner Circle Membership Categories, where interactive guidance and assistance can be requested.